
‘Sanctuary’ is a long-term documentary project recording the lives of the human and non-human primates at a sanctuary in Cameroon called Mefou Primate Park. The sanctuary was set up in 1996 as a place where gorillas, chimpanzees, and monkeys rescued from the illegal bushmeat and pet industries could be returned to a semi-wild environment to live with others of their own kind.

Today it is home to 25 gorillas, 120 chimpanzees, and more than 200 monkeys, the vast majority of whom witnessed horrible violence towards them and their families at the hands of humans very early in life. I dedicate this series of images to these individuals and the amazing people who dedicate their lives to caring for them.

‘Sanctuary’ was one of the featured exhibits at Sydney’s Head On photography festival in 2020. It was an honour to be able to share this body of work with such a wide audience and I am very proud that it was chosen as the people’s favourite exhibition of the festival.

For more information about Mefou Primate Park, please visit the website of the organisation that runs the sanctuary - Ape Action Africa.